Cyber Truck

#020 Tesla, Elon Musk, Cyber Truck

Cyber Truck
Tesla newest vehicle

Elon Musk led the Tesla Cyber Truck reveal about a month ago. To say it caught the media’s attention would be an understatement. In the recent months Elon worth and Tesla’s stock price have been running up in response to the company’s new factories and vehicles being completed. Surprisingly, the Cyber Truck show blew the lid off of social media. Elon Musk threw a heavy stainless steal ball at the “bullet-proof” glass. Therefore, in embarrassing fashion the glass broke and instantly the video was trending across the globe. Was this planned by the genius Elon Musk, or was this totally random? 

Subsequently, the aftermath on social media led to a record amount of pre-orders to be paid for the Tesla Cyber Truck. Elon Musk and the Tesla team have proven that they can build top quality electric vehicles that the public demands intently. The sky is not even the limit for Tesla and the rest of Elon Musk’s initiatives. He also is moving at breakneck speed on the SpaceX rocket that will carry people to moon and beyond. The future is looking bright in the transportation industry for the first time in ages. Take a look at for more information on the different models of the upcoming Truck!


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#017 Spotify Wrapped & The Future of Media

Spotify recently sent out the 2019 Spotify Wrapped Review, and everyone has acted eagerly to share their stats to the world via social media. The Spotify Wrapped also made playlists for you based on your listening habits in previous seasons and years. The buzz Spotify created with their investment into the Spotify Wrapped feature makes guest Cameron Azeez question the financial model of Legacy media and the conglomerates around it. The cost of entry to make high quality content is lower than ever. Subscribe to Oddly Observant!